Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2010 Family Photos

At the start of every year, I try my hardest to get everyone up and going and off to take family photos. This year we did it the day before Valentines day, and believe me it was a lot of work. Josh has this new found fear of heights, Joey is in his rebellious "I'll only do it if I get a reward" stage, and well Joe is Joe and doesn't like having his picture taken. So really this whole process was like pulling teeth, Literally! But we got them done, here is the preview, we will be sending out hard copies to friends and family once we receive them.

The Rodriguez Family 2010:

Joe and Rachel 2010 - Married 2 years this June, together 3 years in March.

Joey and Josh - brothers

Joey - 4yrs old, 5 yrs in June.

Josh - 1 yr old, 2 yrs in April.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sometimes he can be the cutest...

Believe me, Joshua can have his moments. Lately it has been mostly the tantrums and the screaming and every now and then he can be a good little boy again. Here is his latest "good" moment. So Aiden's (our dog) food was sitting in the kitchen next to the bag of dog food and his dish was empty, so josh took it upon himself to feed the dog. One kibble at a time...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Winter Snow Walks

I decided that with all the snow today, that I should take Josh and Aiden out for a winter snow walk. It was honestly a beautiful day. Josh got all decked out in his snow outfit and Aiden of course went nuts when he saw all the snow. Here are a few pictures from our winter snow walk...

The Terrible Two's

Josh has definitely hit the terrible two's. To be honest it's driving me CRAZY! He cries about absolutely everything and when he doesn't get his way he screams and throws a temper tantrum. I am trying to be a good mom and just wait it out, but to be honest I don't know how much more waiting I can do. He cries all the time and its giving me headaches all the time. I try to do the best I can, but unfortunately that isn't much. Josh really wants Joe all the time and is getting tired of having mommy all day long. I do everything for him and it doesn't seem like enough. I am overwhelmed with school and now on top of everything Josh and his recent newfound screaming voice. Don't get me wrong he can be adorable and an absolutely fabulous kid, but those moments are few and far between lately. Only time will tell what the future will hold.

5 Finger Death Punch Concert

This last Friday was the 5 Finger Death Punch concert at The Knitting Factory down town. We started off the night with a barbecue at the apartment, and after eating steak, chicken, artichokes, potato and macaroni salad. Then we decided to play Rock Band, and it was the funniest thing to see Richard singing "Bring Me To Life" by Evenessance. Once it was time to head out we headed down to the newest concert spot in town. We had a fabulous time, even though at one point Joe and I ended up getting into an argument, we were able to move past it. We love each other more than anything. Here are a few pictures to see what our night was like:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Best Valentines Gift...

I didn't really expect anything for Valentines day, first because Joe had to work and second because he normally doesn't celebrate holidays. I still love him though, this year was different though. Even though we didn't celebrate it on Valentines day, Joe took me shopping on monday for the Bridal Ring Set we had been talking about getting for months. We found one that was absolutely perfect. I love him more than anyone could ever know. Thank you Joe!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Childrens Museum and Theory of a Deadman

Yesterday was a big and long day for us. I had been promising the kids that we would take them to do something fun, and we decided the Children's Museum in Carson City. So naturally I met up with Lindsey and went. The kids had a total blast and got to do a lot of fun things. Joey got to climb a rock wall, as did I lol. Josh played with magnets, and then Joe taught the kiddos how to play air hockey (it was quite hillarious). All of us enjoyed a virtual reality maze. The day was fantastically spent on the kids. In the afternoon Joe and I parted ways taking one child each to go shopping on our own. When we met up later that afternoon it was time to take the kiddos to the grandparents house so we could have a night out.

The Knitting Factory is in the middle of down town, and this is the new place for concerts in Reno. Joe and I had a great night with great friends. I got all dolled up for Joe and we had a ball. The bands were great, and I got some concert memorabilia. We both ended up not feeling to good so we went home. It turned out to be a fantastic night, up until we woke up this morning. Both of us do not feel well, but nothing Starbuck's coffee cannot fix.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Joe's 26th Birthday!

Well we didn't do anything big this year because Joe's birthday fell in the middle of the week and he had to work. At 12:01am I decided to give Joe his present from me; a "Simpsons" talking birthday card, and two blu ray dvds (The Hangover, and SAW VI). My mom and dad (Mike and Elaine) took us to lunch at Genghis Grill which is a Mongolian Barbecue place. Lunch was absolutely delicious, and everything was perfect except our waitress was a real witch. When lunch was over, they said their "happy birthdays" and we went on our way home. When we got home Josh was asleep so I laid him down for nap, and showed Joe the birthday cake I got him. We decided to save the cake for after work. When he came home we shared his cake and drank milk, a perfect end to a long day...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mean Teachers and Good Grades

So this semester started off a little rocky, I was informed by the Nursing Department at TMCC that my HESI scores no longer counted because it had been to long between classes. So I am scheduled to take that ($200) test once again. Then I found out that my books had been backordered and one of my books wouldn't be here till the end of February. Oh great, was my thought exactly. I was planning just to drop the class then. Well then the semester kicked off and kicked my butt! I was already behind in my COM 113 class (which for all who don't know it is a public speaking class), my English 101 class (which I had to retake because of my leave of absence when Joe came home) already had reading assignments and and essay due in a week, my HDFS 201 class (which I didn't plan on taking this semester, but my counselor signed me up for it) was totally unexpected and already had readings of 3 chapters due and 1 critical thinking exercise on theorist was due, and then came my Sociology 101 class (which again I'm taking it over again, stupid CLEP testing) had one test I nearly, well actually, failed. So this semester hasn't been to great, but I am going to stick it out and tough through it because I need to do this to get my RN. Now Monday I have a speech to give and I haven't even began writing it because I don't know what to write about. I pray that the Lord will give me guidance or just do the speech for me, either way I need HELP!